now I dream almost every night of Ladakh. because it was so impressive there ... light, space and color can not get rid of one. the friendliness of the people, the clear air in the mountains, the quiet monastic ... that always creeps into my nighttime.
for illustration I put a few pictures that show exactly that, I hope.

our arrival in Leh, after a surprising and ingenious approach to a few mountain peaks around, sticking impudently through the clouds, was refreshing in the truest sense. sauna air to the wet in Delhi, which we received arrival right after and everything as usual: moist air, which makes everything with a plop stick to the body (so that the reunion with mani in drunken hugs expired) to teach the morning weather we erstaunlichund very pleasant. A fresh summer morning awaited us.
in delhi: everything worked like a charm: mani stood at the domestic airport and waited for many many hours. checkin in Air Deccan and departure - all without problems. manis second flight was fantastic. the prospect of landing approach - phenomenally. the best flight ever! even if we had to keep awake with difficulty.

we have brought our luggage and have us a taxi to the hotel organized. All went very well, and receiving in dorjee guest house ( empfehlung!% 20Guest 20House/Welcome.html% "-> website dorje) the room was warm. were totally ok (see dorjee-website), however, gave us even the stairs in the house the rest and we are, with mint tea, bottled, beds in the lower, with collapse eye nor the divine last look out the window into the dreams taking .

before but we still had a surprising encounter bach flower art with the militia of the 3rd
they sat at the table for two in dorjee in the garden and actually came from Erfurt -.. or so we have a bit How bequatscht the stress and how the amount has such an impact ... and we all like to do now fall into a coma ... so we were asked if we drop it and have the negation errstaunten urged us ... so we micha and me because we are not fast enough to deliver the planned - various bach drops on ... with the announcement, we should be flooded with light from us now wähnen.und everything would be good. the height would be able to harm us, drop all the rules.
funny and the comments of Dresden: it is a beautiful city, at least half the people there is already so far and very open. (Huh? What extent?) Na .. then we could indeed happen now nothing more.
I think we are have turned out just for dinner back to us (but probably not because of the drop). How to Get to the strenuous, start 7 clock in Dresden and arrival around 7 clock in the morning leh, we have offset the sleep deprivation without emotion and were completely verpeilt that year, day, time we have, where we were all about or whether it was important .
the first place in the short transition was indeed already stressful, but the divine dinner. in the "pumpernickel," a German bakery on the square. freshly squeezed mango juice! a dream! and of course PBM (paneer butter masala) and froschleimsoda. the bach flower militia, also dined there this evening, ignored us bravely and looked at us and constantly verpeilt over. our oscillations were clearly inappropriate, or not enough but we lit up. or so.
an impressive first feature from the small town. pleasant.
the returning to the hotel was difficult, and on the stairs I almost got stuck, it was difficult for the rose. the higher power to create it - no air ... you gasping at every bit (and ashamed) ... we are wimps. tired maggots in bacon.
for good mani night we told a few horror stories from yeti.das was new to him and he slept at the same time light and drawn curtains very bad. hihi.
on the first morning in leh occurred to me, just to stay in bed and look out the window - with a mountain-panorama before the lens, which would have been sufficient in itself for a week ... but viewing micha, the exhausted sloth, made him (the thoughts), just true.
while I am the next day so slowly leh struggled with mani and a small walk through the village was rehearsing, was the slacker just looked in the bed, out to the beautiful windows and can be adapted to the height. and that was not even stupid. We found a more impressive chocolate cake hurt and took ever-shanti stupa in the inspection, but I chose the first ascent of The summit must be something's not right on the first day, I'm gasping for the first 10 steps and turned back while three brain cells thought enviously at micha-in-bed ...
of fresh juice and chocolate cake mani confessed the secrets long can never keep to themselves and absolutely no talent for acting and cover up, then one, that his return home roof collapses mamallapuram already. it has not kept long, the mist .... who built cheap, build expensive ... but we were so far away that I could annoy me briefly about it. also drew me a couple of terrible loud Israeli girls from the subject.
the other encounters were the also shocking. always militias bach flowers and totally careless mainly Israeli-hippi girls in shirts and mini skirts the Mediterranean summer celebrated, forgetting completely where they were and what triggers such a sight for the locals. I had it all can kloppen (ie unbuddhistisch and not peaceful). I remembered all the blogs and travel tips from a web, where it says: you can go strapless and quiet in india in the skirt, it would not interfere there and no one would say. because you get just the anger of so much ignorance and stupidity. and those blank faces stare out from behind the coca-cola bottle, also, without any understanding for the environment. as if they had unfortunately strayed into the wrong country. they're just on vacation. without brain and respectful.
was already sobering. as always.