Tuesday, February 23, 2010

How Does Rosetta Stone Work Rsd

The aesthetics of the structure

We live in a world in which we are surrounded by naturally grown structures. The beginning of the structure is also the beginning of world history. Whenever in a matter of history had enough time to find their "inner order", this matter had time to form a structure. Was the time for this inner order not only to amorphous matter could clump together - without structure. In the modern petrochemical industry makes use of this effect and took advantage by the amorphous precursors combining uniform mass product - the plastic was born; and this was also the starting point for machine-made series products.
structures we observe closely, we find that seem to us disordered small sections of these structures, and to our senses, pleasing shape, we d only in the recording of the whole visible - we will only feel that mentioned disorder subject to a higher order.

We humans have a natural desire to surround ourselves with such traditional structures as they reflect our lives and therefore influence our inner balance positive. In our spare time we always try to escape our daily grind to find mental balance. As it walks through in autumn leaves forest in the forward nature, where we are surrounded by this simple, perfect beauty, be it on the beach where we can spend hours watching the waves of the sea and the pounding surf is always formed into new unique impressions, or we observe only the simplicity and beauty of the cloud structure in the sky. There are countless examples, which we use the structures of nature and ultimately our self-experience embedded in our environment.

To limit this internal balance not only in a few vacation days a year, we try in our daily lives involve established structures and thus influence our well-being always positive.

Since we spend up to 90% in closed rooms, we try to place in our artificial environment such compensation poles. In our homes we are on plants, and we look for in choosing our facility on naturally grown raw materials. Here too, the industry is trying to satisfy artificially created structure method, this need, but they do not recognize our senses evolved structures right away, since they give only a superficial impression of a structure.
We strive to make our living room so that it corresponds to our lifestyle, our needs. We want our own four walls "well feel and gain new energy for everyday life - we want to create an inner balance. We use naturally grown materials and share them so that their specific advantages and structure complement each other harmoniously, revealing her perfect beauty.

comes as a furniture wood material very often used, which works through its harmoniously structured design very reassuring. As remuneration love to substances of established natural wool, cotton or leather are used, which stimulate our senses of their properties.
A major point is in our part of the heating dar. With the hectic development in the industrialization established Central heating is impersonal, which worked against our evolutionary justified need of the "gather around a fire pit. Slowly it was realized that the wood heating - the fireplace - in the living room corresponds to our actual primal urge.
changed by the ever increasing demands of design in the living area and the demand on the tiled exterior.
First, the customer expects to bear a continuous homogeneous ceramic shell, and secondly, the stove shell's personality and an established structure - have individuality.
The hand-made full-tile line SPIRIT OF FIRE characterized by this structure evolved. Each full tile is made by hand and makes for a unique dar. The combination of these items is a perfect, harmonious whole that is in default in full our desire for individuality and comfort.

Each fireplace is by its ceramic shell, a structured, natural work of art that works in its entirety on us. With creative combination of the individual mold parts, the individual molded parts can be realized the most unusual requests. The glazes range from Blue Velvet, Moss Green, about a modern and Tuscan Cotto up to the decent white Timberlake. The full tile series "Natural" rounds out the program. By manual processing, this surface into independent design line.


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