Saturday, June 12, 2010

My Cat Ate A Little Piece Of Plastic

CDU local councils to improve cleanliness in the green areas in the Gallus

repeatedly eighth dog owners who let their pets run out to lawns in our neighborhood just to are to be removed to their "legacy". is not unusual for it before then, that other users of the land then involuntarily "acquaintance" close to this "legacy". Which in some cases already annoying enough, concerns in the Kronthaler street the entire neighborhood. There, residents reported an increasing Gerüchsbelästigung by the residues of the four-legged chair, which especially noticeable in the warmer seasons.

Since not a continuous monitoring of urban green space by employees is possible, the CDU in the town council proposes one before now to have set up warning signs at appropriate locations and close the door in the area surrounding fence.


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