stove and fireplace prices prices
The pricing of stoves and fireplaces, is especially on the Internet, a thematic evergreen. In addition to the keywords "fireplace," tiled "," fireplace "and" chimneys ", is vorlammen searched for the necessary prices. Of course, this is a legitimate matter, as the price of a tiled stove or a fireplace einwesentlicher price point!
you get what you pay for!
Too often however, failed to question the stove or fireplace price! There are two major factors that complicate the comparison of prices of stoves and fireplaces. The problem is due to the fact that stoves and fireplaces are usually individually designed and built. DIY set fires out of the box "have mostly individually to the actual housing situation to be adjusted. Another important factor in the price of stoves and fireplaces are the materials used. Especially in optical plaster surfaces thereby compromise quality range widely.
cleaning furnace cleaning furnace is not the same and is in most cases by no means a stove!
Again and again I read in forums of kits and what materials are used in it. And I am always shocked that there is often built into tiled stoves and fireplaces to keep the price as low as possible. Recently, I've even read that a manufacturer designated by AAC his material as an ideal chimney obstruction material, which borders on closer inspection, in my view to the common hazard, as aerated concrete as the sheath material of a heating system, in addition to the negative thermal dynamic properties, especially the change of temperature resistance for the dominant thermal loads and also has the extreme convection installed inside the shell has a constant convection result in abrasion material, which is as fine ever given in the living room. Aerated concrete is cheap and easy to work, but perfect as obstruction material for fireplaces and stoves suitable! You must therefore always what is under the plastered surfaces of your tile stove or fireplace - the verwendetet materials may indeed often be cheaper to buy and lower the price, but are often completely inappropriate and sometimes even bad for your health.
fireclay grog is not the same.
But even going with the known materials for the stove and fireplace, the Quality-price gap often requires far apart. Prime example is the so-called refractory for the interior of ornamental and often used memory and sheath material in plaster tile stoves and fireplaces. The reason for this is that fireclay is actually a generic term that summarizes the materials, which have the properties to a high temperature change resistance. However, among them, in fact, subsumed by materials of blast furnace linings to high sulfur-containing low-grade refractory combustion chamber. Hence the term refractory is often a bit misleading when comparing prices. But here again there are materials such as Luxit of Spirit of Fire That was developed specifically for combustion of wood and does not allow misleading because Luxit is not a generic term.
prices fireplace and chimney question prices carefully!
compare exactly what you get for your money! Because believe me, you are free of stove or fireplace, the quality of materials in purchasing 8,000 euros, 2,000 euros to get - because your natural warning bells should be ringing very loudly! And if you opt for a "cheap bargain, can not expect high quality tiled stove or fireplace, and can only hope that no materials are included, the harm their health.
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