Monday, September 27, 2010

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counterpoint to the gray soup

that at this point for quite some time of silence, is mainly because I to Germany soars am. By the way, with a small cost-saving detour via Dubai, where I ACTING on behalf of the hidden request: I did buy. With great middle-eastern souvenirs and also downstream of sheer presence, I was able to score points with my family, but now when I take away the handkerchief in his face and look out the window, I veer that the trip was not only wise decision.

I will not complain but, for the days and weeks were wonderful and so far it has seen some good reason, for himself, his friends again over the Facebook account. Currently I am still the mind after a strong counterpoint to the German weather reality and what then on, everything would turn, furnish the trip report from Botswana for once. There in the dry thorn bush savanna, we have the first cloud that we met for nearly two weeks, even photographed happily surprised.

the right of the sun beam, just above the trees ...

Only the clouds, we find, however, were not there. It was more about people and wildlife. The San are an example to be considered while culturally and historically as the first ethnic group in the area of modern Botswana, but is now pushed to the margins of society as a minority rather eke out a bitter existence. Now - you guessed it - not all of San same. About the people we met, claiming a brochure that in the extensive piece of savannah called Dqae QARE, which they call their own, can still pursue their traditional lifestyle. Elsie, the likeable young woman who is in the small resort manager there, but frankly that would not be possible because the country only got to build a tourism project. No person shall hunt here, as did the ancestors, no one here collects berries and roots, because medicine has the form of tablets and food comes from supermarkets, and no lives in the San for the tourists with sturdy wooden beds decorated grass huts. Nevertheless, this small Tourist farm offer hope. The San community is the next place, they even manage to create an income and is not forced to serve as cheap labor, the descendants of the land "owner" who robbed them of four or five generations of their livelihood. Nevertheless, culture and lifestyle of the San fade so on and on. It also criticized Elsie, but what she should do because there would be no other option. The San, who look the other way and continue to refuse to give up their lives in the Central Kalahari National Park, which incidentally was originally created expressly for their protection, are constrained by the central government in Gaborone, harassed and driven by little. Their nomadic lifestyle is insulted as backward and uncivilized, the San are to be forced to live by the standards of "modernity". One wonders why a government so much stress makes with some nomads, in this extremely sparsely populated, seemingly endless expanse of the Kalahari. Apparently diamonds stored below the desert floor.

A few hundred miles north, in the Okavango Delta, such problems are unknown. Here, a group of dugout boat drivers have joined forces to show tourists the Delta. They suffer a bit from the global financial crisis because so few tourists came this year, says our guide, in the village Seronga there are only two small shops, a bar and a butcher, although during our stay possessed not just about meat. This was however not at the Lehman Brothers, but rather a lack of local demand. Really bad the crisis has caught Seronga not to, because even animals who keeps his corn fields successfully defended against the elephants and to still know, such as water lilies and termites are prepared and preserved, the skin so quickly to nothing. Even the fish in the region can be distinguished from Europeans, not daring to listen, as I had a sobering, but they also had help from unfair macho hippos, the claim area had their permanent support of my fishing spots. To make it short: I think I have never managed to escape from everyday life so elegant and all-encompassing, as in the endless silence of the delta. Despite the 40-strong group of Spaniards felt that the middle of the night with their Viva Espana were still louder than the bleating hippos. But that, before the absurdities of a globalized world, on a non-populated, with elephant-dung-strewn island in the Okavango Delta is not sure we learned from our boat man already in his experience with the crisis ...

PS: For the tourism project in the Okavango Delta, I wrote in TIME Online .
PPS: Does not clean, but also at TIME Online is also a article about a German teacher in Cape Town , the I had been embezzled.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Sonicare System Is Getting Moldy

Orange Habaneros in the garden

end of 2009, I have a great habanero plant which was almost two meters high in some 20 inch pieces cut to make it into cuttings. The whole worked really good, but need Habaneros an eternity to Wurzeln.Nach 3-4 months the cuttings were rooted most strongly and which did not make it landed in the brown bin. Then I planted the cuttings and make them grow.
orange habanero
but I now had almost ten small habanero plant- I had to think about what to do with all the green stuff? The balconies are full, thus leaving only the small garden, which is about 2x3 meters large terrace in front of the left. This was then dug up and busy with potting soil Composana upgraded.
Not all Habanero cuttings are grown really well, so I sorted out the smallest and weakest. The rest was planted in spring in the garden.

plant growth and problems

The plants grew throughout the year but in different ways but generally quite good. Now and then I have discovered a worm that has passed even the small fruits. With a bit of slug pellets But worse could be averted.
course the weather this summer are not left its mark on the plants. Although some were bent over, but have suffered no serious damage. Only one has been bent over so much that she is dead then.

Although habaneros to catch the first to bloom now, but I think this year I'll be there can still taste some of the.

Friday, September 10, 2010

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housing for all in the European quarter

The CDU-S tadtbezirksverbände Gallus / Gutleut and Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen visited on Tuesday, 7 September, the European quarter, and entered thus breaking new ground in every sense of the word. "It all looks so new, as if someone had never been here," said one of the 40 participants of the tour as well as they enter the gatehouse at the western entrance of the fairgrounds.

The architecture of the building as well as breathtaking. Huge impact of the interior, which extends over three floors and, through the future visitors of the exhibition at the box office over the exhibition grounds will be. Once at the top, you have the enormous glass facade a spectacular view of the fairgrounds and the skyline of our city.

The western glass facade of the building is one of the view opens to the area of future European garden. The 60,000 square meter park is part of a green belt which will remove the decades of separation between Kuhwald, vine and Gallus, which were caused by the railroad tracks of the main freight depot. The residents of Gallus are then able to go directly to walk or bike to Rebstockpark. Thomas Kirchner, city councilor for Gallus Gutleut and is looking forward to it and that on 28 September 400 trees will be planted in the garden.

The generous Boulevard, the Europa-Allee is because the backbone of the development area. As he is strolling east of the railway bridge of cafes, Geschäftenund Office buildings are flanked with residential portion. West of the railway bridge, he goes underground along the entire length of the garden of Europe. In this way, the noise and emission pollution from traffic can be reduced significantly.

living is in the western part of the priority. This results not only chic condominiums, but also subsidized housing for households with low and medium incomes. "This is something we have already crowded into the planning phase," Jochem Heumann, planning policy spokesman of the CDU says in Romans. In addition, the new residents at the new school and a four day care centers, which already is a under construction, will find the infrastructure, they need.