Sunday, January 30, 2011

Country Curtains For My Living Room

My chili cultivation in 2011

Phew, this year I sow quite late for my new chilli. Actually, I had much earlier before the , it got postponed because of insufficient time and time again.
Yesterday I worried so quickly and a few jiffies eingebuddelt the seeds.

chili anzucht 2011

As you can see well in the photos I had positioned the sowing-bowl on my external hard drive:) Some people take yes Wärmmatten extra, but I'll go with the hard drive quite well. To be more specific is the one Aldi drive the stupid habit to always run when power is plugged in, that is, even if it is not connected to the computer. This makes the panel a little warm and is perfect to my seeds a little bit too warm.

Once the plants have grown a little larger and it is not soo freezing cold outside I will then set relatively early in my mini Chili Winter Garden .

Fill Plug For A Polaris Indy Gear Box

Croatian European Cultural Society celebrates its 40th anniversary


On Sunday tag, 30 January 2011 celebrated the Croatian European Cultural Community Association its 40th anniversary in the house at the cathedral. The company was founded in 1970 was the first of its kind in Germany and is now the oldest of its kind in Europe. Its members are mainly in the Rhine-Main region living Croats, who are also active in cultural and social and want to establish a connection to their ancient homeland.

Thomas Kirchner , city councilor of the CDU and integration spokesman thanked in his speech to the association for their efforts in forty years of work and continued: "The fact that we celebrate together the 40th anniversary, so the founders and the founders were so certainly not expected, but many Croats had been made, after a few years in Germany to return home. That it has come otherwise, is also a sign that many Croats have found their second home in Germany. Today we can together as neighbors, friends and Frankfurt this anniversary celebrating. "

In keeping with the adopted by the City of Frankfurt a few months integrating concept consists of, led by Anita Akmadza and as a charitable organization including the integration of the Croats and their cooperation with the German citizens, and other ethnic groups living in Germany, and is also trying to raise awareness of the peasants by mother tongue education and cultural events such as lectures, book readings, panel discussions and joint excursions.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fingertip And Hand Pain

Full house as it was the afternoon of the Frankfurt Association for elderly and the handicapped and the FCG The Cameroonians in Gallus


was almost to the last seat of the great hall Gallus filled the house on Wednesday, as "The Cameroonians" their carnival session for senior citizens, opened on time by 16 clock 11th On display were great dancing, fun carnival speeches and beautiful costumes. Thanks for the great show! Who wants to see the full program that has this in the next few weeks a number of opportunities to do so. To occur, for example, on 5 and 7 March, from each clock 20:11 (admission from 19:11 clock) Carnival meetings. There are some, a few tickets!

that "The Cameroonians" understand not only fun but also dedicated to the public good, point a long time. Up organizational, the association every two years, charity events, such as for the Foundation "Bear Heart", which takes care of seriously ill children. This year's event will be held for the benefit of the Garages Praunheimer, which has set itself the goal to integrate people with intellectual disabilities in our society.

Traditionally, however, the cooperation with the Cameroonian Association Frankfurt. Since 1971 the carnival association holds the largest providers of social institutions in Frankfurt the old afternoon. That they meet exactly to the taste of senior citizens have, "the Cameroonian" again this year proved. Then a triple "Hulla Rumba!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Ap Biology Lab 4 Manual

You have no Wal

Because I just absolutely deserves to dwell on vacation, there are again some canned food, pre-printed in the virtual world. South Africa, namely the great honor of the nice company to be called Wal-Mart welcome. The euphoria is still significantly limited, however - and this in a country where people once, "We love you, Mr. Blatter" written on posters ... Here is the link.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Bowling Centers For Sale

art scene established itself in Schmidtstraße

Inconspicuous un d gradually the Gallus has become a fixed location of the Frankfurt art and theater scene. Hard to believe, but was in the Smith Street last Friday in "Frankfurt Lab one of the events of the year - opened the" Frankfurter Positionen 2011.

the first time in 2001 held Frankfurter positions " understood as experience and knowledge of field: Every two years they try to use the resources of various art forms and accompanying analytical statements enable the position to which enforcement of social change and the associated changes in the lives of the residents to formulate Frankfurt.

The Frankfurter positions "want as initiate a continuous process with the creative, develop new perspectives and social fantasies. 2011, the old question of the struggle between individual and community is central. A total of 21 January to 9 February 13 world premieres and Erstpräsen-tations of 31 artists on the program. Who wants to know more about the "Frankfurter Positionen 2011," which these Internet pages are recommended.

addition to the above event, the Schmidt Road offers much more. So there is there a live music club with the promising title "The Bed" and the karaoke studio Star Room " where you can try out his singing skills. Who wants to work at the garage sound of his band, the place for it but no garage in the Smith Street, but a bunker with exercise rooms. The Gallus has just yet to offer much more than his reputation can imagine.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Combination Calculator Possiblities

Fast Sunday in Zoo


just a zoo in South Africa yet. When I walked Thus, by the shaded area under the lush green trees in East London, it occurred to me that this is a good thing. For the equivalent of 2.50 Euro's goes in the world of disturbed monkeys, tigers and wolves. Even three snakes are on display in glass boxes on the size of an average TV. One comes from the southern United States, one is native and the third has no name plate more. Presumably it is Thabo Mbeki. Small Political Joke on the edge ...

The giraffe pleased relative to find some kid run freedom. One wonders just why the animal is removed here in the middle of downtown, just a stone's throw from the main minibus station, generally issued where giraffes stretch but also in the vicinity in large numbers their long necks to the sky. But this question one would have to then also with the cow, which is a few feet wide of the camel on the lawn. But these are luxury problems. The baboons have obvious behavioral problems are there in her suspiciously outside cage already bent far harder. While the Tigers at least has some room for tigers and the small pack of wolves in its tubular Enclosure at least can run up and down the mandatory Wolf, opened up to me not whether the Nile crocodile was just too lazy or in his bathtub just robbed the place to turn around once. Yes, a zoo is already a pet friendly facility. At least for the rabbits running around everywhere freely and clearly made fun of the prisoners.

Man thinks that animal life is already hard enough. But far from it, there's also the zoo's visitors. I'm still nowhere to feed people so shameless monkeys with peanuts, Giraffes with sweaters worn or seen big cats animated with a sudden clap, as in this idyllic city East London. The highlight though was the family with three children, who threw to the chimpanzees in fact, their Pepsi. Well, he could at least choose between the two market leaders for such showers, because Coca Cola had also been represented here first. At least the visitors have so internalized the motto that sang the dead trousers once: ". Here we are free on a Sunday at the Zoo"

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Can You Chain Shiny Pokemon In Heartgold?

1 presents two projects in the town council before

In its first meeting in the new year in a town council presented at the request of the CDU two projects in the European quarter. This was around the planned green space as a path connection between the road and the cutting Idsteiner Hainer Street and the connection of the European quarter of the network of light rail.

Idsteiner road route linking and cutting trees he road

Alteingesess enes residents of Gallus the path behind the houses of Idsteiner road for 24 to 62 is known as "rose garden". Why did once idyllic sounds, is a simple, unpaved path along the wall that has separated the northern part of the Hellerhofsiedlung from the track field of the former marshalling yard. Originally, you could run on this route from the traffic lights opposite the sports hall of the Paul-Hindemith-school to kindergarten 54 in the cutting Hainer Street. After the construction of another day care center (KT 113) behind the house Idsteiner road 24-30, this was not possible.

By 18 January 2011 in the town council presented a plan to change this again and be a way relationship between the day care 54 (cutting Hainer Street), 113 and the new day care center on the road Idstein (height Schwalbacher street) was prepared. For a secure way while bypassing the relationship Idsteiner line for the smallest inhabitants of our district is assured. In addition, results from the demolition of the old boundary wall to the site of the former marshalling yard a further connection to the new European quarter. The height difference between the two areas of 2.5 m is overcome by means of ramps, so that accessibility is ensured. The road is in KT 113 deviate from its original course a little. At this point a pivoting is provided to keep the intervention in the movement area of the kindergarten as low as possible. The only fly in the ointment

in the realization of the new way the relationship is that several old poplar trees to be felled. But these are dead, according to parks department in part. They will also be replaced by young, 4 to 5 feet tall trees.

U-Bahn for the European quarter

The Magis came template M 240 decides the City Council to extend the light rail route B to the western end of the European quarter. According to the Managing Director of VGF, Mr Michael Budig, presented plans, the European quarter of an existing branch at the Republic Square, which was initially planned for a subway line under the Mainzer Landstrasse is accessed. For the route extension a daily ridership is projected at around 60,000 in-and-outs.

According to Magistrate extension of the line presentation of the route will include a total U5 4 stops following: "goods space", "Emser Bridge", "European Garden" and residential parking. The journey from Güterplatz the last stop is about 5 minutes. Wolfgang Kreickmann, mayor of the town council, however, puts an emphasis on the finding that this is only a working title. The right of naming only change is the town council.

Thomas Kirchner, city councilor for the Gallus, is delighted to now be made after years of discussion in Romans down to business. The connection to the Underground network takes the northern Gallus even better access to public transport. This is an old demand of the CDU in the city council to pass.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cool Facebook Profile Idea

spring build in-house exhibition at Spirit of Fire

From 4 - 6 February 2011 found in the fireplace issue of Spirit of Fire in Fürstenfeld again held the Spring Open House. A visit of the 800-square-foot exhibition is worthwhile in all cases. In addition to many ornamental and Central heating you also get a lot of information about heating with wood, as well as individual counseling offered - a must for all interested parties! There Spirit of Fire Open House

Monday, January 17, 2011

Can You Put Orajel On To Wax


"If you steering wheel in the hand are taking, are You already dead "The sentence is from the man at Masifunde morning brings the children to school and afternoon pick up again. Work will start praying in front of the minibus. Whether this has to do primarily with his piety and sheer terror, is not known to me, but Mfana also has some good advice at hand ". You need this more for the other ride and be prepared for anything" harsh contrast to his initial rate that is the bare reality.

in South Africa has made recently launched a campaign against drunk driving for vortices, which flirted with the fact that drunk drivers in jail rape threat. Allegedly appears to agree with probably (I can not tell, my investigative research interest has limits), but the depiction of prison inmates as a drive-controlled monsters and the concomitant acquiescence of the states met with human rights organizations, not just broad consensus. That such campaigns are necessary at all is, to the fact that drinking and driving by the vast majority if not practiced even then at least tolerated, and it always comes back to fatal accidents. South Africa last December alone had more than a quarter of deaths, which identified the statistics for Germany throughout 2009 - with a population half as large and far fewer cars per capita. Because of course play other factors, such as in particular unroadworthy cars and buses a major role, but the glass to close look definitely has its share of the terrible statistics. The Eastern Cape, the province in which I live is sad leader and presented last year for a fifth of the population, half of the motorists caught. And this is not just to the strict controls, because if you show at a traffic stop without relief appearances his license and his own name nor may make errors, is usually not asked to be blowing.

As a preventive measure it is therefore at the gas stations in the country to buy any alcoholic beverages. Even supermarkets only offer wine, are the rest of it only in specific liquor stores. Against this background, I was initially shown the business idea I saw recently in the provincial town of Queenstown in transit on the main street, but surprised. You have to leave the car not once to procure supplies. Well, cheers.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

How Much Colyte Do I Need To Drink

photos from the Gallus Gallus Barbara Waltz in the clerk's office

Unusual pictures sort of thing in an extraordinary place. Thus one could sum up the opening, since Friday, 14 seen in January 2011 in the Frankfurt office in the order Kleyerstraße 86. Shown are images of the amateur photographer Barbara Walzer, who has been looking since March 2010 in the Gallus as part of the project, neighborhood development and cultural work "of the Frankfurt-profit women's employment company (GFFB). The exhibition opening was attended by the Director of Public Services Office, instead of Jörg Banning, Executive Director of GFFB, Barbara Wagner, and invited citizens to which also local councils and City councilor from the Gallus joined.

Winfried Becker, director of the neighboring Gallus Theatre has brought a short historical excursion into the history of Gallus his joy over the successful cooperation between the clerk's office and the various operators expressed. He also expressed the hope that this photo exhibition will contribute to making the many positive aspects of the district beyond the boundaries of the Gallus also known.

In Bush's home district by Barbara Walzer, the Gallus will definitely have a passionate advocate. The photographer reported in its issue of the many encounters they had during the past year in Gallus. The people with their different lifestyles, cultures and idiosyncrasies, but especially their friendliness and openness are what Barbara Walzer be particularly remembered. So then show her pictures and impressions of a lively district with all its cultural diversity, his moods, and above all the people who shaped him.

The show in the foyer of the civil office is until 11 February 2011

Monday and Thursday from 8 bis 18 clock,
Wednesdays from 7.30 bis 15 clock
Fridays and visible from 7.30 bis 14 clock

in Kleyerstraße 86, in the district of Gallus.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thank You Letters To A Great Coach


To the term stove is a lot of misunderstanding: For more information about the house show!
particularly in Germany and Austria will prematurely from the "stove" talk. However, we think then often different heating techniques. The most common mistakes happen when Grundöfen and Einsatzöfen to indicate the underlying heating an oven.
was originally called "stove" is a basic stove vollverkachelter meant. Meanwhile, it has become that one says to the different types of furnaces stove. These abusive
Use of the term " stove has opened the door to unscrupulous sellers. So you see even in low-cost suppliers of kit chimneys, which often have not a single tile in the memory and radiant coat, the term stove. This is probably the reason why the stove is often a very dubious image.
should therefore correctly the titling be made more accurate and the heater must be properly marked. A true name must consist of two terms. For the heating and the implementation of storage and radiation jacket! For example, would be a "basic tile stove" a vollverkachelter basic stove. Demensprechend would be a "tile-fire" a vollverkachelter Stove, etc.

described in this form heaters are clearly defined and you know exactly what we speak. The consumer can do with this form of designation qualitative comparisons easier!

The practice is unfortunately quite different. Particularly in the area of plaster ovens, there is a proliferation of terms to use the term "stove"! Since I often read of fully rendered furnaces, or even teilverputzten ovens, which are offered as stoves, although there may only speak of a shine oven. The only exception is when the Spirit of Fire stove and fireplace, as performed at Spirit of Fire is always the entire memory and radiation jacket with full tiles and in areas of plaster only a thin plaster layer is aufgtragen optics to the full tiles. Quite often the memory and radiation mantle beneath the plaster surface is also performed with so-called Schrühkacheln what happens but barely, as this type is very complicated and time consuming, driving the price up.

should ALL other Putzöfen question the consumer exactly what is under the plaster, as it also here is qualitatively very different versions and one only in continuous operation the difference being detected - or even worse, after many years recognized by a sudden asthma must that the furnace at the time with inappropriate and sometimes and health-hazardous materials has been built!

quiet so put your stove consultants point out that this is NOT in the fireplace when the oven is presented to them plastered!

Wording For Western Birthday In

The reason

Bersonders in Germany with respect to rule of the conceptual distinction between different types of furnaces often great misunderstanding. Again and again I note that there is talk of "tiled" and one of my verkachelten a basic stove and others speak of an insert stove. Therefore, I treat at this point now the basic stove! The term Grundofen is the furnace technology that lies within!
Digression: Only if the shell a basic furnace verkachelt continuous, one would correctly call it a lounge! An exception to this is the Spirit of Fire stove because it has also rendered a tile surface coat. In all other cases, one would have to speak of a cleaning oven (unfortunately there is in the name of much disagreement, which become part unscrupulous advantage, which ultimately damages the reputation of the tile base furnace much!

But we come back to the furnace technology of a basic stove! The reason may furnace is planned to complete the inside and built individually. hang the combustion chamber size and the shape of the flues on the size and shape of the furnace. Therefore, the Grundofen be adapted exactly to the heat demand and get exactly the required performance. Built to the firebox and flue gas lines of the basic furnace ideally with Luxit or, if need be, with Hafner grog. But be careful in the choice of refractory, since there are very large Hafner fireclay quality difference!
( Spirit of Fire Works photo )
graphics you see on a typical cross-section of a basic furnace. Since the basic furnace is built completely with Luxit and his coat is usually covered with full tiles, has an average basic stove around 2000 to 3000 kg (the weight is ultimately also an indicator of the storage capacity: The more severe, more stores a basic stove).

Sparked the basic stove fire in time. This means that all wood for the Nennheizzeit (usually 12 hours) burned at one time and then, if only more heat and small bluish flame can be seen, the combustion chamber sealed and the basic stove is the resulting heat via the Nennheizzeit slowly into the room in the form of radiant heat. This "interruption" of the tile stove is usually carried out manually. However, there are now also automatic shut-off devices to incorporate the tight closure of the furnace automatically.

The advantages of the basic furnace are:
• Is the heat on Weigend in the form of radiant heat (no convection)
• Low consumption of wood
• Only about 1-2 times per heating season Aschentleerung

• Is his first heat from a time delay of 1-2 hours. This disadvantage is mitigated, however, with regular use, as a basic stove unfolds only after two or three heating cycles to its full capacity, because then the entire memory is fully charged and then often after a day in winter heating break is always warm. Ideally, you should fire up the basic stove all winter and cool day so not all winter. Next to the fireplace is
Infois heating it also Spirit of Fire stoves and fireplaces

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pregnancy Mottled Legs


icon image (The frog is nothing happened!)

If proof were needed that the South African interests in Germany has increased lately, has provided him. But read for yourself, what dramatic events only 1000 kilometers north of my quiet home town of Port Elizabeth happening. And do not say that everything would be just Quak .

Otherwise I would have to offer to the amusement or a collection of tourist complaints providing the colleagues of

I can not contribute anything further, I must go.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Molecular Formula Of A Wax

Bhut Jolokia chilli

Here is a very interesting post by a cable on the Bhut Jolokia . have

bhut jolokia fackel

Many farmers The problem is that elephants trample their fields destroyed and also eat up a lot. So these farmers have simply taken the good Bhut Jolokia and it Räucherfakeln handicrafts. The smoke is probably as strong and sharp that he abhällt the elephants. I think each of the times chilli has fried in the pan knows what it feels like in the eyes and nose:)
