Sunday, January 30, 2011

Country Curtains For My Living Room

My chili cultivation in 2011

Phew, this year I sow quite late for my new chilli. Actually, I had much earlier before the , it got postponed because of insufficient time and time again.
Yesterday I worried so quickly and a few jiffies eingebuddelt the seeds.

chili anzucht 2011

As you can see well in the photos I had positioned the sowing-bowl on my external hard drive:) Some people take yes Wärmmatten extra, but I'll go with the hard drive quite well. To be more specific is the one Aldi drive the stupid habit to always run when power is plugged in, that is, even if it is not connected to the computer. This makes the panel a little warm and is perfect to my seeds a little bit too warm.

Once the plants have grown a little larger and it is not soo freezing cold outside I will then set relatively early in my mini Chili Winter Garden .


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