A frequently asked question of the Young Farmer Chili is how many chilli plants are typical in a flower box can plant for the balcony. Like all plants chillies are really tall and bear many fruits when they have plenty of room for the roots.
the rather limited space on a balcony but would like to use as much as possible and grow as many chillies. Now you plant too many chilies in a planter, the plants are to be not very large and bear little chillies.
Four chilis per flower box?
Last year I planted in each planter four chilis. The plants did not become really big, can just see in the pictures, yes.
Three chilis per flower box!
This year I have planted in the same flower boxes only three chilis.
This is the latest picture! The top is just three weeks older.
the pictures speak for themselves I think. With only three plants in a grow box all three very much stronger and better than four plants in a flower box. They also contribute a lot more fruit.
Above all, the Peter Pepper aka penis chillies grown extremely well and the Habanero belongs not just to to go in the width and although they have developed lots of fruits has produced more and more flowers. The photos are unfortunately a bit pink as my small digital camera slowly gives up the ghost.
Above all, the Peter Pepper aka penis chillies grown extremely well and the Habanero belongs not just to to go in the width and although they have developed lots of fruits has produced more and more flowers. The photos are unfortunately a bit pink as my small digital camera slowly gives up the ghost.