Tuesday, August 31, 2010

How Many Calories Are In Stirfry

Gallus Tour 2010 - Tour of the European quarter

On the site of the main freight depot is one of the largest construction sites in Germany. The European Quarter takes daily on more shape. Hundreds of new apartments are built, several thousand jobs are planned, a new park - the Garden of Europe - will be invited to relax and linger, the fair has new modern warehouses and a new entrance created.

The CDU-Gallus/Gutleut will learn and interested citizens on the premises at Tuesday, 07 September 2010, 17.30 clock, Meet us at the entrance WEST

Under the motto "The European district grows, we first see the opportunity, the new entrance of the fair in the West with the new site house and two new ultra-modern exhibition buildings to see. Then we go to the site of the new acres of gardens and Europe will see various different housing projects.


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