Saturday, August 21, 2010

Reference For Court From Commuity Service

Member of Parliament Dr. Ralf-Norbert Bartelt old festival in Gallus

The Begegnu ngszentrum Gallus celebrated on 21 August may be an annual summer festival and many citizens accepted the invitation. The beautifully renovated courtyard between the length and Hainer Lorsbacher street there were the guests with coffee and cakes, sausages and waffles go really well.

The weather also played with bright sunshine and sent to Gallus. Set the mood the Steven Kent band saw with a ordendlichen live music.

As every year, were also present numerous representatives from politics. For the town council and mayor Wolfgang Kreickmann Helge Müller had come. Mitgefeiert have also Member of Parliament Dr. Ralf-Norbert Bartelt and city councilor Thomas Kirchner.

All in all a great day for the old meeting place and a wonderful celebration for young and old.


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