Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Edmonton Fingerboards

CDU visited the town council 1 calls alleviate parking problems in the eastern Gallus

The Christde Democrats in a town council are pleased with the introduction of residents parking in the eastern Gallus. However, there are streets where it is anything but easy to find a parking space. This also applies to the Henry Street, where some of the existing parking spaces used by car dealers.

therefore urge the local councils now the City of Frankfurt am Main, then allow the diagonal parking. Faced with a road width of about 11 meters, this is feasible, especially as exists on the western side of the house points 1 to 11 such parking regulations already. Only in front of the houses 2 to 8 and 11 to 15 is still parked along.

Restricting the exit of the Fire trucks from the resident of the Henry Street Fire Station 2 is to be feared, since it is already handled by the Franks Avenue.


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