EAK Frankfurt: Dr. Ezhar Cezairli and Thomas Kirchner discuss the role of religion in the integration .
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headline "obstacle religion?" Discussed on Wednesday evening, Dr. Ezhar Ce zairli, the candidate for the CDU for the city council and the integration policy spokesman CDU faction in the Roman Thomas Kirchner with 30 interested citizens on the role of religion in the integration of migrants living here. The meeting was opened to the Protestant working group of the CDU Frankfurt, its chairman, Dr. Klaus Maier, the discussion.
Thomas Kirchner After a brief overview of the history of migration to Germany and our City had been, led the discussion, Dr. Cezairli nearer to the actual topic. During the discussion quickly became clear that a differentiated approach to the inevitable response of the significance of religion in the integration. It's also helpful to Verg t present, that are the followers of Islam in Germany a monolithic block, but are composed of representatives from very different trends.
basic requirement of any co-existence in our country, were in it, all those present agreed, is the full recognition of the Basic Law and the applicable standards in our country and values which to a large part of his history are influenced by Christianity emerged. This contains also the recognition of a separation of religion and state, decided to reject sectarian violence that Gle ichberechtigung between men and women and the right to freely about his religious affiliation.
These values, made Thomas Kirchner clearly are negotiable in any way. The willingness of immigrants to open up our society to get involved and want to be a prerequisite for successful integration. He referred in this connection to the 10 Theses on the Frankfurt integration policy of the CDU faction in the Roman.
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r. Cezairli stressed the importance of education and went on the role of schools and the di skussion one to introduce a religious education for Muslims. She said to pay very close attention to the fact that religious communities hold the teaching and what content being taught. Moreover could restrict the compulsory education, which sports, swimming and sex education concerns are not accepted.
The Isla m do not know any organization structures, such as the Christian churches. This makes it difficult to find suitable contacts that could really speak for all Muslims. This could be the introduction of religious education classes are an alternative if this does not preclude the acquisition of the V granted right to religious education.
Dr. Ce zairli and Thomas Kirchner stressed how important it is to remember that only a kle iner part of the people living here are organized with the Muslim faith. The Islamic associations can therefore speak for no more than 20% of Muslims in Germany. It is also not in keeping with Islam, says Dr. Cezairli Finally, that an institution between God and the individual kick.