Wednesday, December 8, 2010

How Do You Get Herpes On Your Hand

Chili Habanero chiles Bonsai

Since I do not with me all Chilis can overwinter in the apartment, I have trimmed this year from one of the habanero plants in the flower boxes a habanero chilli bonsai.

The plant, which I've used it in this Habanero Posting seen. The third picture is the rather sweeping Habanero plant quite "forward".

Chili prepare

The first thing the plant trimming strong. As the chili looked before you see the link above. I had to cut the roots into the earth, as the whole flower box was a large root ball.

chili bonsai züchten

In this second picture you can see quite well how strong the soil by roots. cut

chili wurzeln bonsai


Now we have to shrink the large root ball so that the plant fits into a smaller pot. The whole thing is quite simple, you just can not cut back too much. The best way you work gradually from the outside before the inside.
chili bonsai wurzeln

set the end you have to be trimmed just plant in a small flower pot and of course clean up the leftovers:)

chili bonsai rohling

chili bonsai abfall

Last cosmetic treatments

then you can still cut some of the large leaves around the plant a bonsai-like appearance typical to miss. Et voila:


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